WP 5 | Dissemination and outreach to different stakeholders
O5.1 Creating visibility and encouraging project outreach
O5.2 Disseminating foreground to the scientific, public and industrial sector
O5.3 Fostering innovation and exploitation of results
The main objective of WP5 is to ensure coherent external communication of EU-GliaPhD activities, progress and achievements as well as the optimal management and exploitation of research outcomes and resulting Intellectual Property (IP).
Tasks (and involved participants)
T5.1 External project communication and networking (P8, P1, all partners)
A basic communication concept will be elaborated in close cooperation with all project partners, thereby identify major target groups (scientific community, broad public and specific stakeholder groups, such as patients’ organisations, industrial sector ) and established as well as novel communication channels (publications, websites, chatrooms, tweets), and will conceive key communication messages and design elements – thus defining the project’s “corporate identity”. Furthermore, P1 will be in charge of the set-up and maintenance of the external project website, which will serve as an additional showcase for presenting the project’s activities and achievements.
T5.2 Scientific publication (P8, all partners)
Network partners will be encouraged, assisted and monitored for the timely publication of results in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences while ensuring that no conflicts with IPR issues arise. In addition, project partners will be made aware of the different possibilities to publish open access.
T5.3 IP-Management and Exploitation Strategies (P8, all partners)
Individual exploitation strategies will be merged to a coherent exploitation strategy on consortium level
D5.1 EU-GliaPhD project website (Mo 6);
D5.2 Press conference on network (Mo 7);
D5.3 Internet blog and Twitter feeds together with patients’ organisation (Mo 12);
D5.4 First publications of ESRs (Mo 36)